Schumer Says Democrats Never Lied About Biden’s Health
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) appeared for an interview on NBC News, where he once again spread the falsehood that Democrats never misled the public about President Joe Biden’s diminishing health.
For years since Biden took office, the American people knew that there was something wrong with the president’s health.
Oftentimes, Biden would freeze during a speech or have a gaffe on national television.
Despite these obvious signs of mental decline, Democrats were persistent in telling Americans that there was nothing wrong with the president’s health.
During his interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Schumer was confronted with an old clip of himself, where he said that Biden was in top notch health, Fox News reported.
“Obviously, there has been a lot of focus on President Biden’s role in this. You were, obviously, in close contact with President Biden well before the public tuned into that debate that ultimately led to him stepping down. I want to play you a little bit of something you said last year. Take a look,” Host Kristen Welker said.
“I talked to President Biden regularly, sometimes several times in a week or usually several times in a week. His mental acuity is great. It’s fine. It’s as good as it’s been over the years, and this right-wing propaganda that his mental acuity has declined is wrong,” Schumer said in 2024.
“What do you say that you and top Democrats misled them about President Biden’s mental acuity?” Welker asked the Senate minority leader.
“Look, we didn’t. Let’s look at President Biden. he’s had an amazing record. The legislation we passed, one of the most significant groups of legislation since Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society, putting 235 judges of record. He’s a patriot,” Schumer said.
“He’s a great guy, and when he stepped down he did it on his own because he thought it was better not only for the Democratic Party for America, we should all salute him. We should all salute him,” he added.
Welker then asked Schumer if believes Biden could serve another four-year term in the future.
“Well I’m not going to speculate. As I said, I think his record is a stellar one, and he’ll go down in history as a really outstanding president,” he replied.
Following Welker’s interview with Schumer, the “Meet the Press” panel said Schumer should have pushed back harder on Welker.
“The question on the table is, is the president all the way there? And the answer is unequivocally yes,” MSNBC host Symone Sanders Townsend claimed.
“People can say that you feel as though President Biden might be a little too old to do the job, but he’s doing the job, his mental acuity is there. So I think there is a conflation of two things there. It’s his mental capacity and serving another four years as old as he is, but those are two separate things, in my opinion, and these people that have known Joe Biden for their entire lives and I know President Biden, and it’s like, can you all defend me a little more?” she went on.
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The leader of the free world repeatedly said “I must follow the script or I will get in trouble”. With stage 6 dementia joey is not even remotely capable of writing an executive order or pardon. We all know who ran the country into the ground AGAIN.
Whole Biden admin is a complete lie