Cheryl Hines, known for her role in HBO’s “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” recently shared a playful video on Instagram featuring her husband, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., in a lighthearted moment. The couple, who faced speculation regarding their relationship following Kennedy’s support for Donald Trump during his political campaign, seemed to shrug off past controversies with this affectionate post.
In addition to their personal milestones, Hines is also promoting her self-care brand, Hines+Young, which aligns with Kennedy’s campaign slogan, “Make America Healthy Again.”
“You can’t take a shower, I’m doing a video!” Hines said in her video. “No, no, no, I’m doing a… you’ve gotta give me a second I’m doing a video for Hines+Young. Honey… 60% off.”
Throughout the video, Kennedy appears unfazed by Hines recording her product promo.
Earlier this year, Hines expressed her unease with Kennedy’s transition from the Democratic Party to support Trump, yet her recent public appearances alongside him suggest a potential reconciliation of her personal and his political choices.
Their marriage has been under scrutiny, especially due to allegations regarding Kennedy’s “digital affair” with journalist Olivia Nuzzi. Despite this, Hines appears to be re-establishing her connection with the many Trump supporters, recently attending events like the America First Policy Institute gala, where she interacted with prominent conservative figures, including Trump himself and former presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard.
“Cheryl was talking to everyone,” said one source, per Daily Mail.
The couple has been spotted together at various Trump-related events, signaling a shift towards unity amidst the backdrop of their earlier challenges. In a show of appreciation during his campaign, Kennedy acknowledged Hines’s steadfast support, noting she has faced considerable trials tied to his contentious decision to support Trump.
Hines is currently penning a book, indicating that she intends to share her experiences regarding their marriage amidst ongoing public speculation and political transformations,” according to US Weekly.
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